AMSTEC was contracted for 12 months as the Financial and Commercial Adviser to Samoa Ports Authority.
The aim of the advisory role is aimed at improved management and performance of the Samoa Port Authority and to enhanced port handling capability and has the following specific objectives:
improved capacity of SPA management at Board and senior management level,
a well-defined SPA organization structure with appropriate staffing levels,
clear responsibilities and accountability for budgets being implemented within SPA,
Enhanced and cost effective services in the port through improved arrangements for private sector involvement.
This Technical Assignment involves assigning an international Commercial and Financial Port Adviser to the management team of SPA to assist the CEO and senior management in implementing specific parts of the Port Improvement Strategy Plan. Prior to the assignment SPA will hire a new Commercial Manager who will be heading the new commercial department and continue the tasks of the international expert upon
completion of the assignment. The main purpose of setting up a commercial department is to develop SPA into a more client and market oriented organization which is managed and operated on a commercial basis.