AMSTEC was involved in providing Team Leadership of the Ports master plan for Samoa.
This project included providing a 20-year ports development masterplan to support the
government in making informed decisions for future investment. Where relevant, disaster and climate
risk considerations will be integrated in various components of the masterplan. The masterplan
will provide a roadmap on investment and reform within the ports sector, ensuring that the government
and its development partners invest in productive assets, and avoiding financial liabilities on
Samoa Port Authority. Through the masterplan exercise, improvement to Samoa’s port infrastructure will
be identified, which may lead to a potential investment project.
AMSTEC as lead port specialist/economist supervised and conducted the required analyses and
consultations to develop the full ports development masterplan. The key outputs were:
preparation of an efficient port layout of the existing port that will optimize port safety and operations, with consideration of the demand assessment, and port constraints;
incorporate findings of the swell mitigation study in the masterplan;
undertake the initial economic assessment for the new port development in collaboration with the port engineer; and
formulate the asset management plan in consultation with the Samoa Ports Authority.