Adrian Sammons holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA – Distinction) major in Shipping and Logistics and has over 30 years experience in the shipping, ports and transport industries. In 2005 Adrian established an Independent Transport economics research and consultancy business ‘AMSTEC Pty Limited’.
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Adrian worked for ANL, K-Line and Swire Shipping Group, the latter holding CEO and Director roles and has provided consulting services to both business and Government organisations in Australia and Internationally. Completing a two year contract with the Dept of The Chief Minister in Northern Territory Govt. of Australia as Director of International Trade Development. A Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Transport (F-CILTA) , a member of The World Association for Waterborne Transport infrastructure and a member of the International Association of maritime Economists (IAME)
Adrian has published conference papers on supply chain economics and maritime transport and in 2007, Adrian jointly won the award for best maritime academic paper of the year entitled ‘An Alternative approach to Port choice selection’.
In 2011, the Korea Association of Maritime Industry recognized the study that won the IAME Best Paper award for a second time. The study co-authored by PortEconomics associate member Mary Brooks, Sean Puckett, David Hensher and Adrian Sammons, “Understanding Mode Choice Decisions: A Study of Australian Freight Shippers”, was awarded the prize at the IAME Award Ceremonies in Taipei on 8 September 2011.
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