AMSTEC Design Pty Limited has developed knowledge and skills for a wide range of supply chain and transport projects, gained through our diverse experience, and longstanding relationships with many of our clients. The primary sector where we deliver consulting services is maritime transport, including the full range of activities from:
Country and port region market analysis and demand forecasts
Competitive bench-marking and score card analysis
Transport and logistics analysis / detailed evaluation of port, road and rail infrastructure, networks & services
Transport economic and operational and capacity analysis
Capital investment and financial evaluation and modelling
Strategic assessments of business in its core markets as well as identifying key areas for potential diversification and expansion
Prior to being selected AMSTEC provides a clearly defined briefing paper
The briefing paper provides details on deliverable stages with supporting research, cost and revenue data.
Review and discussion with client and/or stakeholders as directed.
Deliverables for follow up stages would commonly be workshop inputs and outputs, briefing papers for ongoing support and engagement of the stakeholders and a draft and final report.
Progress and final reports in hardcopy and electronic formats stylised in accordance with MBA standards or as directed by client.
Sourcing of trade and business data from a reputable agency for statistical reporting within the current and future project stage(s).
Support in research and analysis and to provide transparent, clear and concise information and advice to the client for the purpose of allowing informed business decisions to be concluded.
Ongoing support and advice as directed or required
Phone: +61 (02) 9972 7424
Suite 2
14a The Center
Forestville SYDNEY NSW 2087