Honiara is located on the northern coast of the island of Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands and includes a sea port at Point Cruz. Honiara Port is the most important international port and gateway to the country.
The Port Scoping Review made an assessment of current participation of the private sector and recommend suitable roles in providing, using, and maintaining some facilities in the port; and determine the need for, and possible coverage of a project investment plan or detailed study for port expansion, improvement, or new site.
Outputs of the Scoping Study are: (i) Business Assessment Report covering identified activities within the port including traffic volume and export and import flow; requirements and associated demand for port services and facilities; preliminary assessment of port performance (operational, financial, institutional) and institutional analysis of SIPA and public and private sector agencies involved in Honiara port operations and management; and (ii) Final Port Improvement/Upgrading/Expansion Report covering recommended actions to be undertaken by the Government in the short and medium term in terms of specific port infrastructure improvements and related costs; employment impact that can be gained from increased commercial activities in the port; draft terms of reference, and next actions/steps.
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